Repositioning Cross River Civil Service for Higher Productivity

Repositioning Cross River Civil Service for Higher Productivity

The importance of workers in the public and private organization cannot be overemphasized. As the engine room of the organization, be it public or private, the workforce is responsible for the daily activities or services rendered by the organisation to its respective clients, customers and publics as the case applies.

It is therefore unarguable that the type of workforce of a particular private or public organization has, to a greater extent, determines the productivity or output of that organization.

The productivity of the workforce in any organization could be optimal or declining due to several factors. And if this occurs, it also negatively or positively affects the profit or reputation of the organisation within the period, such outputs are recorded in the organization.

Undeniably, the negative impact of the poor productivity of workers in Cross River State in the recent times was what prompted the governor of Cross River State, Prince Bassey Edet Otu, to voice his concern against the negative trend in the service.

Prince Otu, who was addressing workers at the U. J. Esuene stadium during the 2024 World Workers Day celebration in the state noted with dismay that the productivity of workers in the state is barely at 5%. “I wouldn’t be fair and just to the workers of Cross River state if I conclude this address without making mention of their shortcomings, principal among this is low productivity which is adjudged to be barely 5%. It therefore amount to wasting one’s sweetness in the desert if the government should yield to almost all the demands of workers, yet the productivity is not commensurable”, the governor remarked.

Undoubtedly, the concern raised by the state governor is indeed worrisome. This is more so, that the Cross River State Civil Service was not only a model to other states in the federation, but also one of the best among the 36 states and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Yes, it is on record that most states of the federation used to send their workers to Cross River State to understudy how the civil service was efficiently run.

The question then is, what suddenly went wrong that has caused this drift in output of workers in the state service? The answer here is simple; several factors have contributed to work against the efforts of the workers toward higher productivity.

Prominent among these factors is the dwindled number of civil service. The number of workers in the state civil service had started plummeting seriously about two years when many workers began to retire from service. And in 2023, almost half of the state workforce had to retire as mandatorily provided for in the constitution.

For some years now, majority of the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA) in the state have been operating without any imprest. The lack of imprest to a greater extent has hampered the ability of the affected MDAs to procure necessary work tools that would have enhanced their productivity. It is common to visit an MDA in the state for any official engagement to be told that there are no papers, computer systems and generating set to operate with. This has been responsible for delays in carrying out official functions as most of these MDA have to patronize private business centres for official jobs.

In addition to the foregoing is the unconducive work environment most workers have to work in. the work environment in most MDAs in Cross River state, to say the least, is very hostile and suffocating. Many offices today lack modern equipment necessary to ease the operations of workers. To say that most office still operate in 20th century setting in this 21st century in Cross River state is not an understatement.

In spite of efforts of successive administration in the state to ensure a paperless service delivery, majority of the offices in the state still operate in analogue mode, as they could not be connected to the internet, and not to mention, lacking the internet facilities that could have assisted their expeditious service delivery.

Of greater concern is the fact that the Service Complaint (SERVICOM) desks in all the MDAs of the state are moribund. The SERVICOM Desk was a potent tool used to monitor service delivery in any MDA. It ensures that issues are handled internally and externally within seven working days. This service delivery monitoring mechanism also helps to ensure that the people and workers complaints against poor service delivery. In fact, with SERVICOM then, service delivery in the state was second to none in the country. Like the biblical saying, that “the spirit is willing, but the body is weak”, so is the Cross River state workers.

The civil servants at all levels in the state have continued to exhibit their willingness to efficiently discharge their respective duties, but the weakness on the part of the government to motivate them through necessary incentives had contributed to deflating their moral. It is sad to note that until the assumption of office of the state governor, Prince Basssey Edet Otu on May 29, 2023, workers in the state had continued to work without any incremental steps, full implementation of minimum wage, staggered implementation of promotion, among others. All these are capable of affecting the output of workers.

Added to the lack of incentives in the service, was the compromise of the service system. This compromise resulted to the sale of service positions, favoritism and promotion of mediocrity over competence in promotion and placement of some staff. One may not be wrong to assert that this is the last straw that really broke the back of the Cross River State Civil Service carmel, as the hydra-headed monster also bred a fertile ground for the survival of ghost workers that have resisted all elimination strategies. It also encourages truancy, absence from duty without any query, thus making only few hands to be on deck while many others smile to their banks at the end of the month serving the state at the comfort of their home or businesses.

However, in spite of this gloomy picture of the Cross River State Civil Service today, there is no disputing the fact that the situation could be changed for positive results to be attained in future. And this is possible now with the People First agenda of the Season of Sweetness Administration of Prince Bassey Edet Otu. Already the governor has not hidden his concern for the welfare of the workers right from the inception of his administration as he immediately directed for promotion of deserving workers up to 2023. The recent announcement of N40,000 living Wage for Workers in the state is another testament to his inclination to a better workforce in Cross River State.

Beyond this, for the desired viable and productive workforce to be achieved, if the state, it is imperative that efforts be put in place to eliminate corrupt practices that are impacting against workers productivity. The government must ensure that competency is placed high and above mediocrity.

The government must ensure that workers earn their wages for their service delivery and not the other way round. Measures must be put in place to ensure that Heads of MDAs, are held liable for the non performance of their workers. Above all, necessary incentive that could boost productivity must be put in place at all levels.

It is also important for the government to ensure that the over depleted workforce of the state is adequately addressed through recruitment of more workers. This should be done through a competitive process, devoid of all forms of corrupt practices.

Efforts should also be geared towards providing a conducive work environment for the staff to operate in line with modern technological standards.

The State government should consider the payment of monthly impress to MDAs to enable them meet their service delivery demands to the public. This would reduce their dependence on private business centres for performance of their official jobs.

The SERVICOM Desk must be reactivated in all MDAs to help monitor the performance of their respective MDAs in terms of service delivery targets.

The role of training and retraining in service delivery cannot be overemphasized. The government should therefore, prioritize the training and retraining of the workers to enhance their skills and improve their productivity.

When all these among other strategies are put in place, there is no doubt that the productive level of the state workers would be boosted to optimal levels.

Oka Ibor
Oka Ibor is a public affairs commentator

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